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VOL. 9, NO. 4 | Through One Man Sin, Through One Man Righteousness

VOL. 9, NO. 4 | Through One Man Sin, Through One Man Righteousness

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In this issue, we discuss Covenant theology and how it affects us. We know that Christ atoned for Adam’s and our disobedience on the cross, but we often forget that Christ’s work was not merely negative or “passive” (enduring the curse). Our Lord was also “actively” obedient, fulfilling the law on our behalf. Those united to Christ stand not only neutral or guilt-free before the father, but actually as those reckoned positively righteous, as if we ourselves kept the whole law. The covenant of works and the covenant of grace then both require perfect, perpetual obedience. The difference between them is that where the covenant of works required Adam’s personal obedience, the covenant of grace provided his faithful descendants with a second Adam who would fulfill perfect, perpetual, substitutionary obedience.

Featured Articles:

  • Covenant Theology Illustrated | by Steven M. Baugh
  • What Is a Covenant | by Brian J. Lee
  • The Covenantal Summons | by Michael S. Horton
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