VOL. 09, NO. 3 | The Malling of Missions: How Suburban Values Control the Church Growth Movement
VOL. 09, NO. 3 | The Malling of Missions: How Suburban Values Control the Church Growth Movement
Every MR reader knows that we yearn for the growth of the Church. But saying that we long for church growth doesn’t mean that we are no longer obligated to evaluate the methods offered as means to the end. As this issue’s title reveals, we are skeptical about the church growth movement—and we refuse to have to choose between this movement and inaction. Though we value church growth—no, because we value it, and because growth comes through the unadulterated proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments (that is, by supernatural rather than natural means)—we must dissent. Marketing methodology, generational segregation, and the exaltation of “choice” are idols in our age; they must be challenged, not brought into the Church and baptized.
Featured Articles:
- The Ethnocentricity of the American Church Growth Movement | by Michael S. Horton
- Industrial of Pastoral?: The Techniques of Church Growth | by D. G. Hart
- Growth Mentality That Is Biblical | by Harry Reeder