VOL. 6, NO. 2 | Finding the Keys: Liberating the Ministry from Trivial Pursuits
VOL. 6, NO. 2 | Finding the Keys: Liberating the Ministry from Trivial Pursuits
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As the Reformers recovered the New Testament offices, so too must we concentrate on the biblical material with a fresh sense of urgency. So, in this issue, we’ll be asking such questions: “Does the ‘priesthood of every believer’ mean that every believer is a minister?”; “What should we think about organizations, businesses, entertainment media, and other groups that call themselves ‘ministries?’”; “What is the relationship of today’s minister to the prophets and apostles? Isn’t he just an ‘equipper of the saints,’ giving the laity the tools to actually ‘do ministry’?” These are doctrinal, biblical, and historical questions of enormous practical import for our church life today.
Featured Articles:
- What About Bob? | by Michael S. Horton
- Recovering the Keys of the Kingdom in an Age of Equipped Saints | by D. G. Hart
- Musings on the History of the Protestant Ministry | by Lawrence R. Rast
- Every Sheep a Shepherd? | by Rick Ritchie