VOL. 05, NO. 6 | Pilgrim’s Progress: The Life of a Justified Sinner
VOL. 05, NO. 6 | Pilgrim’s Progress: The Life of a Justified Sinner
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In this issue, our authors discuss the role of justification and sanctification in the Christian life. We are already "holy and without blame before him," by his choice, redemption, calling and justification. But because we are already holy in Christ, we are responsible to grow in the progressive sanctification that characterizes the Christian life. Although we can do nothing to give ourselves new life, once we are made anew in Christ by the Holy Spirit, we are able for the first time to love and serve God, however imperfectly, and to love and serve our neighbor. Although this sanctification "is never perfect in this life" (Westminster Shorter Catechism), it is always growing and increasing and no Christian-regardless of how his or her experience might contradict this fact- is justified apart from also being progressively shaped into the likeness of Christ.
Featured Articles:
- Who Am I… Really? | by Michael S. Horton
- Holiness | by Harold L. Senkbeil
- John Owen and the “Normal” Christian Life | by John D. Hannah
- How Can Our Good Works Please God Since They Are Only Imperfectly Good? | by Zacharius Ursinus